Saturday, August 22, 2009

Eating in Southern California

Rick is the cook in the family. We spend a lot of time trying out new restaurant and new recipes at home. Rick has finally decided to go to culinary school to learn different techniques. He's a great cook now. What's next? 

I decided to blog about it so that we could share the good findings! Some restaurants are great and some are not so great. Wouldn't it be nice to know ahead of time where you can find a great meal?  Just to start off we like to go to "hole in the wall" places, but we do love some chain restaurants. 

Our favorite chain restaurant is Cheesecake Factory. They have a great selection of food, something for everyone! 

I will be blogging: Sunday brunch, at home meals that Rick creates and restaurants. Also looking for kid friendly menus, pricing, service and atmosphere! Stay tuned!